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Let's Talk About Me...

Who the heck is this lady anyway and why the heck do we want to talk about her? I have been asking myself that as I stare at this page trying to decide what to say and I've got


Okay seriously I know I need to say something to explain why you should take the time to listen to my ramblings about my journey and watch my videos too (hopefully), but I am really no different than a lot of you. I went to school but made more money doing what I did to make my way through school so I plodded along in a life that wasn't bad but just wasn't feeding my soul or my creativity. I would wake up in the morning and watch my life slip away for 18 years. Until one day I picked up a book and suddenly as I leafed through the pages something clicked...I didn't have to watch the joy being sucked out of my life I just had to take a step in the direction of my dream. That is exactly what I did...I saved up money for a year, quit my job, sold everything I owned and bought a one-way ticket to Europe. Where I sit now writing this crazy about me page hoping that my story though not unique might just spark that same action filled determination in you.  That's why I am doing this so that someone else out there maybe gets a little inspired and takes action. So come along on my journey be my shadow and take part in my life-changing journey.


Warmest Regards,




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